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'Bhartiya Arthik Darshan Evam Pashchimi Arthik Darshan Me Bhinnatta'

'Bhartiya Arthik Darshan Evam Pashchimi Arthik Darshan Me Bhinnatta'

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Manoj Kumar Sabnani 1 year, 3 months ago

Nice Compilation on Bhartiya Arthik Darshan

An exquisitely rendered chronological exposition of economic events within the context of India is presented. This presentation effectively elucidates diverse economic models, expounding upon their respective merits and demerits. The work inherently underscores the advantages encapsulated within the Indian Economic Model, along with its enduring repercussions. The book's inherent allure is amplified through the integration of anecdotal narratives and poetic interludes, complemented by the inclusion of perspectives and citations from esteemed economists, intellectuals, and proponents of social reform. A compulsory perusal for individuals aligned with Hindu Philosophy and the principles of Sanatan Dharma, the volume also serves as a highly valuable reference compendium, replete with contemporary statistical data and a comprehensive overview of the global economic landscape.

psabnani 1 year, 4 months ago

भारतीय आर्थिक दर्शन एवं पश्चिमी आर्थिक दर्शन में भिन्नता: वर्तमान परिपेक्ष्य में भारतीय आर्थिक दर्शन की बढ़ती महत्ता

A beautiful chronological presentation of economic events in India. It gives a very clear picture of different economic models and their pros and cons. It brings about the benefits of Indian Economic Model and its long term impact. The book is made very interesting with the help of small stories and poems along with views and quotations of renowned economists, thinkers and social reformers. A must read for someone who believe in Hindu Philosophy and Sanatan Dharma. A very useful reference book having latest statistics and overview of the world economy.