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VatsasuradiVadda-Chaldulu Guduchutadi
Bhagavata Ganadyayi
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: Telugu
Price: ₹330
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SreeKrishna Leelalu is powered by All parts of SreeKrishna Leelalu were extracted from Pothan Telugu Bhavatam, best of Epics brought into our Telugu / Andhra Language. The speciality about Pothanamatya Style is Comfortable even for laymen at the sane time provides Satisfaction & praising by well learned men. In the Bhagavatam, Srikrishna birth to Avatar samapthi was detailed very well. This story of SRIKRISHNA is most interesing and powerful. Out of these the incidents of His Childhood is Extrardenery and mesmerising. Particularly Vatsasuradi Vadha, chaldulu Guduchuta (killing of demond came as calf, crane, pythoe; enjoying Breakfast with friends) are very intersting and very famous among Telugu People.
This Vatasauradi vadha - Chaldulu guduchuta contains the original (moola) Padya Gadyas with added word by word meaning and Purport in simple easy telugu. Text was drawan from website by Bhagavtam Ganandhyayi.
Please read and enjoy and bless us.

About the Author

Bhagavata Ganadhyayi is the Penname, of Sambasiva Rao Vulapalii, taken for the purpose of Episc broght to JalaTelugus. in a wholistic form called Gananalayam conceptulised for this Purpose..Ganadhyayi is 75 Yrs old, retired Engineer. He is (1) the Founder President of Potana Telugu Bhagavatam Project, copleted in 2019. Reaching lakhs of people. (2) the Founder managing Trustee of Tust namly, Telugu Bhagavata Pracara Samithi, under which An annual Puraskara "Bhagavata Ratna" is being awarded to a sutable Sholar with a recent Ph.D. in Telugu on Bhagavatam or Potana. since 2017. (3) The Foounder prasident of Valmiki Telugu Bhagavam Project now goingon.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798895410776
Publisher: Self
Number of Pages: 174
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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