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Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: Arabic, English
Price: ₹800 + shipping
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This is the english translation of the book "Kitāb Al-'Iyāl" by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya rahimahullāh. The book "Kitāb Al-'Iyāl" is a gathering of ahādīth and narrations from the Salaf about the rights of and the correct way to treat husbands, wives, sons, daughters, orphans and other members of the household. This book is a MUST-READ/HAVE for everyone who is a member of a family or intends to be.

The book is translated by Abu Hajar and published by Al-Aqeedah.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798339289654
Publisher: Al-Aqeedah
Number of Pages: 249
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Hard Cover (Case Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Kitab Al-'Iyal

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