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Type: Print Book
Genre: Social Science, Biographies & Memoirs
Language: English
Price: ₹250
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Social Entrepreneurs and Change Makers:
Most often, the project started with one man, or one woman, and then the idea attracted more volunteers. We have in this book an NGO which got established in 1976 by a Swissair captain and his wife, and one that got established in 2020 in response to the pandemic, and the plight of daily wage workers in India. The range of social enterprises presented in this book is from Europe, India, the US, and South Africa. What each change-maker had in common is that they all acted selflessly, and took the first step to 'do something' meaningful, when they identified a problem. Be it to encourage artisans—to stop terrorism, or to grow rice in farmlands—to combat hunger, or to open up schools in tiger infested deltas—for deprived children. Read the book to discover more. Each chapter is divided into several short sections, including an introduction,...

About the Authors

Featured social enterprises/NGOs: ACT, Asha Zurich, Humane Warriors, Protsaah, Rice Mill Enterprise (Abundance), Touching Heart, Usthi Foundation.
Publisher: Bose Creative Publisher (

Book Details

ISBN: 9783952527856
Publisher: Bose Creative Publishers
Number of Pages: 134
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Social Entrepreneurs and Change Makers

Social Entrepreneurs and Change Makers

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