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The Holistic Legacy

Generations of Educating Minds, Empowering Lives
Akarsh Pareek
Type: Print Book
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Language: English
Price: ₹150 + shipping
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Embark on a journey through generations of dedication and passion in 'The Legacy of Holistic Education.' Follow the inspiring tale of the Pareek family, beginning with Mudhu Sudhan Pareek and Lakshmi Kanta Pareek, whose dream of nurturing young minds led to the humble beginnings of Shree Brij Bal Niketen School. Through the trials and triumphs, witness the unfaltering commitment of Vivek Pareek and Priyanka Pareek as they inherit the legacy, transforming it into the renowned Holistic Public School. Discover how love, perseverance, and a steadfast belief in holistic education shaped the destiny of the Pareek family and the lives of countless students, including Akarsh Pareek. This heartwarming narrative celebrates the power of education, family, and community in shaping a brighter future.

About the Author

s.Introducing Akarsh Pareek, a budding author whose passion for storytelling rivals his dedication to academics. Currently navigating the challenging terrain of Class 12, Akarsh's insatiable curiosity and creative flair extend far beyond the confines of his textbooks. Driven by a deep-seated desire to inspire and enlighten, Akarsh's debut work, "The Holistic Legacy," serves as a testament to his multifaceted talents. Drawing from his own family history and experiences, he intricately weaves together a narrative that transcends generations, showcasing the transformative power of education, familial bonds, and community spirit. Despite the rigorous demands of his academic pursuits, Akarsh's commitment to his craft shines through in every page of his writing. With a keen eye for detail and an innate ability to evoke emotion, he invites readers on a mesmerizing journey, igniting their imagination and leaving an indelible mark on their hearts. As he embarks on this literary odyssey, Akarsh Pareek emerges not only as a promising young author but also as a beacon of inspiration for fellow students and aspiring writers alike, demonstrating that age is no barrier to the pursuit of one's dreams

Book Details

ISBN: 9798323965755
Number of Pages: 46
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Saddle Stitched)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The Holistic Legacy

The Holistic Legacy

(5.00 out of 5)

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1 Customer Review

Showing 1 out of 1
Akarsh Pareek 1 month, 1 week ago

Very good

Fantastic writing and the story carry you to the end, very good character writing

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