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The Winning Smash

A Story of a boy who smashes all the odds to fulfill his drems
Akshay Gupta
Type: Print Book
Genre: Teens, Sports & Adventure
Language: English
Price: ₹250
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What happens when a lad who strives to be a badminton star turns into a drug addict?
The winning smash is the story of a small-town lad named Dhruv, who dreamt of being a badminton star since his childhood, but his journey is not a bed of roses. His mother left him and ran away with her boyfriend and his drunkard father does not take care of him. He lives with his uncle, aunt, and grandmother, but his own relatives tried to murder him.
What would happen? Did this betrayal break Dhruv?
The author, through this book, passes on the message that, No goal is bigger than the courage of a human.
If you love Robert Langdon, Dan Brown, and Ashwin Sanghi, you would love this too. Grab a copy now. You are going to love it.

About the Author

Akshay Gupta is a self-published author who writes fiction and poetry with equal ease and charm. Before beginning his career as a writer, Akshay completed his B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and also worked as an assistant professor at a University for 3 years.

"Akshay ke alfaaz" is his debut work. He was the second entrant in "The Meraki poetry writing contest." Apart from this, Akshay Gupta was listed amongst the top fifty participants in the Hashtag Kalakar contest. Alongside his interest in literature, Akshay is a yoga enthusiast as well.

At 20, Akshay went through the most depressing phase of his life, he suffered from bipolar disorder, despite the unfavorable circumstances life threw at him, Akshay decided to keep fighting and not to lose his courage. Akshay came out stronger giving a befitting reply to his illness. Now, he is on a mission to deliver a message to the...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637543771
Number of Pages: 105
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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