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Witnessing Wonders

Ali Peter John
Type: Print Book
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs, Performing Arts
Language: English
Price: ₹695 + shipping
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It was Khwaja Ahmed Abbas who picked up a post card I had written to him from a heap of fan mail that he used to get every day. It was that one post card that changed my life. I wanted to be a bus conductor. I wanted to be a Roman Catholic priest. I was advised to be a stenographer, but Abbas Sahib changed all my plans and showed me the writer in me and led me on my path.
I joined Screen on January 4, 1969 and left on August 7, 2007. It was the journey between 1969 and 2007 that made me know what the industry was and what the people who belonging do it were. What I had heard about them and what I saw and experienced with them was entirely different from what many said and believed about them.
This book is my tribute to all those who came across my path at different times and have lived with me and will live with me till the end of my life.
This is only a small way of expressing my gratitude to the endless people I have met and who have showed me that love is still alive, but hard work is still alive and success will come if you really deserve it.

About the Author

Ali Peter John has had several problems with his name. He does not have a ration card, nor does he have a passport, all because of his odd-sounding name. He is an M.A. in English literature from the Bombay University, but he believes that he has learnt more in the University of Khwaja Ahmed Abbas than he has learnt at the university.
He was writing for India's prominent film magazine Screen for forty-eight long years and his column, Ali's Notes, has been accepted as a landmark by the film industry and readers who has been following him. He has written in almost all the newspapers and magazines of India on a variety of subjects about films. He has published twenty books during the last twenty years in his own way. The most prominent book according to him is his autobiography, Life-Bits and Pieces, which had its cover designed by the renowned painter M. F. Husain, the autobiography has also been translated in various languages. His circle of friends includes all the legends and down to Shah Rukh Khan.
He has been living his own simple life without expecting anything from life. He is now writing for a leading Hindi film magazine Mayapuri and at 71, he writes at least two articles everyday. Some of them are his contributions to Facebook. He hopes to write till he can no longer write.

Book Details

Publisher: professor toofaani publishers
Number of Pages: 274
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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