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(1 Review)

Fix the Fox

Never fall into trap of a Ponzi Scheme, Never lose your hard-earned money, Act Now!
Ambuj Gupta
Type: Print Book
Genre: Politics & Society, Mystery & Crime
Language: English
Price: ₹250
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There has been a lot of hue and cry over ‘Ponzi’ schemes in the recent past. As the thrust towards financial inclusion of the general public grows, so as the need to safeguard them against Ponzi schemes; obviously, this is possible to a large extent, by educating and empowering masses. This book is a conscious attempt to answer all questions related to Ponzi schemes - what they are; where do they come from; how do they operate; what makes these Ponzi schemes burst; and how the common man can keep himself away from Ponzi schemes.

About the Author

Dr. Ambuj Gupta is an Associate Professor in Finance with Deccan Education Society's Institute of Management Development and Research, Pune. He has 19 years of rich experience in industry and academics. He has published two books from Germany. He has authored, presented and published his research papers in national/international conferences and national/international journals. He was also empanelled by SEBI as ‘Certified Financial Education Trainer’ for educating and empowering investors to proactively achieve the prime mandate of investor protection. He can be contacted at

Book Details

ISBN: 9789383303946
Publisher: Self Publish
Number of Pages: 110
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Fix the Fox

Fix the Fox

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sakshi narayan 10 years, 3 months ago

Re: Fix the Fox

Dear Sir,

I had gone through your book "FIX THE FOX". Its really a thought provoking and Eye opener for all. I would really appreciate your research on the menace of...

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