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The evolution of English-speaking practice technology traces back to the emergence of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in the mid-20th century. Early CALL programs focused primarily on text-based exercises and drills, providing learners with rudimentary language practice opportunities. However, as computing power advanced and multimedia capabilities expanded, developers began integrating audio and video components into language learning software, laying the foundation for more immersive speaking practice platforms.
One significant milestone in the evolution of English-speaking practice technology was the advent of voice recognition technology. With the development of accurate and responsive speech recognition algorithms, learners gained the ability to receive real-time feedback on their pronunciation and intonation, a crucial aspect of spoken language proficiency. Voice recognition technology paved the way for the creation of speaking practice applications and virtual language tutors capable of providing personalized feedback tailored to individual learners' needs.

About the Authors

Anita Gehlot from India is an Educator (B.Sc., M.A.(English Literature, M.Phil. (ELT), working as an assistant professor of English at Lachoo Memorial College of Science and Technology, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. She is an international famed Poet, Author, and British Council English Core Skills Certified Trainer. She has a Diploma in TEFL/ TESOL with specialization in Teaching Business Communication. She is also teaching Personality Development, Business Communication and Soft Skills to the under graduate students. She has earned 'Educator of The Year 2022 and 2023', Sahitya Gaurav Samman 2023 awards under her name. She is a Motivational Quoter and has achieved many certificates on international virtual platforms. She has presented many research papers in national and international conferences. Many of her motivational articles and poems have also been published in national and international magazines and newspapers. Her areas of interest are Enhancing Communication Skills, English Language and Literature, Women Empowerment, Mental Health, Individual Empowerment, Educational & Social Awareness, Human Psychology and Philosophy.

Prof. (Dr.) B. K. Sarkar (8059794469), Founder (04): 1-GEH Research LLP, 2-ADBIGA Innovation LLP, 3-BS5 Innovation & Development LLP, 4-VBR Innovation LLP. 1: Post.Doc. (Singapore), PhD. (CS) (IIT), M-Tech (CS) IIT, B-Tech (CS). 2: Total no National Patent =881 (Published: 881, Granted: 208). 3: Total no of International Patent= 122 (Published: 122, Granted: 80).4: Total no of Patent Commercialized: 26 (21L+ 23L+45L+5L+50L+. =77.44 Cr.).5: 12- Patent is under Process to commercialization: (3.0Cr, 45L, 72L,-=15.87Cr.) 6: Project Completed: 2300 Cr. (International, National Level).7: Running Project under Japan Govt. = (in Group) =567.00Cr. (International) 8: Consultancy Work Completed: 12Cr. (National, International)9: Book Published: International =20, Total no of E-Book= 12, 10: Member: JCET, IJCET, IJECRT, IETE, IJLTEMAS, ISTE, SMU, IIHT, Global-R/D.11: Total no of Research Paper: International-146, National-131.12: Total no of Awards: 20 (Best -Teachers, Researcher, Speakers…),13: Workshop/Guest Lectures/Visits/Seminar (Guide, Presented) = 157-IPR- Patent, 24- NBA, 25- NAAC, 21-US- Patent, 10-Start-up India, (National, International).14. Organized – (National, International): Awards Ceremony-45, Conference-31.), 15: YouTube Channel: Views and Subscribers Increased using Algorithm /Programming. Mobile: +91, 8059794469, and 8830121996 E- Mail:

Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh
Co-Founder Geh Research -USA, India: Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh, Post. Doc , Ph.D , M-Tech (CS),B-Tech(CS) ,Total on of Patent: 127, Funded Project Under: 357 Cr., Running Project Under Japan Govt.: 347 Cr., Member: IETE, ISTE, GET, IJECRT -REVIEWERS , Email, Total no of Paper Published: 37 ( International/ National), Total no of Workshop Conducted, Attended: 07, 21 , Total no of Seminar Conducted ,Attended: 07, 17 ,Total no of Student Guide at ME/M-Tech=17 , Total no of Student Guide BE/ B-Tech=27, Book Published: National =31, International =17 (ISBN: 978-613-9-2266-9) (Geh Press Publishing, USA) Book Prize=6850.00Rs.

Prof.(Dr.) Vandana Singh
Co-Founder Geh Press -USA, India Prof.(Dr.) Vandana Singh. Total on of Patent: 226, Funded Project Under: 156 Cr., Running Project Under Japan Govt.: 245Cr., Member: IETE, ISTE, GET, IJECRT -REVIEWERS , Email, Total no of Paper Published: 134 ( International/ National), Total no of Workshop Conducted, Attended: 16, 21 , Total no of Seminar Conducted ,Attended: 15, 26 , Book Published: National =12, International =09 (ISBN: 978-613-9-2266-9) (Geh Press Publishing, USA) Book Prize=850.00Rs

Book Details

ISBN: 9788197363054
Publisher: GEH Press
Number of Pages: 301
Dimensions: 8.27"x11.69"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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English Speaking Practice Technology

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