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Language of the mad

Language of the mad

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3 Customer Reviews

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BudgeG 5 years, 5 months ago

Re: Language of the mad

Never read anything like this. Astonishing work ahead of its time.
The poems and songs I read many times, enjoyed every time I read em. The quotes in God's hand relate to life in many ways. Thumbs up for antim.

Deependra 5 years, 6 months ago

Re: Language of the mad

Abhay has put his mastered masterpiece in his splendid art. Writing about the different instances in different poetic sentences is a great art mastered by Abhay. Bringing out different characters especially Arizel Rakhtavar and many others is a great artistic style. I'm grateful for Abhay to let me write the review. The use of different angles in a singing manner make you feel the writers' understanding of how many days in the Time Book of Clocks. This beautiful book is a go go for the story lovers. I'm not doing well with the story review for my chosen words to describe about this awesome book. Hat's off to his literary art mixed up with the beautiful songs.

iGunjack 5 years, 6 months ago

Re: Language of the mad

In Abhay’s debut novel, a young man embarks on a journey of self-discovery with surprising results.
He dealt with lots situation which had been presented in pretty nicer way. The book includes poems at the right time and it will take to you different dimensions with different mind frame.
The Narrator initially sticks to the story of young and later he beats the path and enjoy the ride of his experiences, I will not write much about the story, it would be a cheat with the writer.
The Narrator connects with several unique personalities whose experiences and views will deeply impact you.
The Narrator has brought every character at right time and combinations of poems make it perfect.
I would finally say, a must must to buy to have a ride of different experiences of mind with writer’s words as LANGUAGE OF MAD.