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Kashmir is Free Finally

Arun Kumar, Prasenjeet Kumar
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English
Price: ₹799
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Kashmir problem exists because Pakistan exists. So, will Kashmir problem be over if Pakistan disappears?

India has already walked out of Kashmir and made Kashmir FREE. Soon “popular sentiments” turn in favour of a Sharia-governed Islamist society, and that leads to the ISIS taking over Kashmir.

Now they want to take their Gązwa-e-Hind—conquering India—dream to the whole of India.

Now what?

Should India strike at the ISIS and re-occupy Kashmir? And then, should India take the war inside Pakistan and split Pakistan into five parts, say, Baloochistan, Sindh, Pakhtoonistan, Baltistan, and Punjab? But does it make any sense to spread Pakistan’s jihadi factories over five new states?

And can India really do this to a nuclear Pakistan? And will Pakistan’s friends like USA, China, and Saudi Arabia just wait and watch while India carries out this little exercise?

KASHMIR IS FREE FINALLY is that fictional, what-if peep...

About the Authors

Arun Kumar

Dr. ARUN KUMAR is an ex-Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of the 1979 batch of the Jammu and Kashmir cadre. His last posting in J&K was Vice-Chairman and Director General of the Jammu and Kashmir Institute of Management and Public Administration (IMPA).

Dr. Kumar holds a graduate degree in Economics, a postgraduate degree in International Studies from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and a Ph.D. from IIT Delhi in Energy Studies.

During his over 37 years stint in the IAS with the Government of India as well as the Government of Jammu and Kashmir, Dr. Kumar has held numerous assignments related to education, energy (both conventional and renewable), environment, rural and urban development, food and fertilizer distribution, consumer goods marketing, and anti-poverty programmes in both rural and urban areas.

Dr. Kumar is well-known for his outstanding contribution to professionalizing and modernizing the functioning of...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789390274758
Publisher: Publish With Prasen
Number of Pages: 406
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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