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Ahyaye Mazahib

Ashar Najmi
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: Urdu
Price: ₹950 + shipping
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This book contains a historical and critical study of revival of religions including Islam. The purpose of its publication is not to offend or misrepresent the followers of any religion, but to encourage individual opinion and to establish a healthy academic discourse. But we must not forget that it is the right of every individual to have a different opinion from the prevailing interpretations on any subject. Disagreement is the law of nature. The expression of disagreement is always in the form of criticism, the purpose of which is to start the study of a subject from a different and contradictory point of view. Ideas contribute to the building of society. We do not consider any of the articles included in this issue to be final, so readers' dissenting opinions are also welcome.

About the Author

Ashar Najmi is the chief editor of 'Esbaat' (book series), circulated all over Urdu world since last 15 years, publishing from Mumbai. He is a contemporary Urdu Novelist too.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789391037000
Publisher: Esbaat Publications
Number of Pages: 832
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Hard Cover (Case Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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