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A Journal of Cosmic Memories: The Dimension of Trees

A Journal of Cosmic Memories: The Dimension of Trees

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1 Customer Review

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bben 3 years, 8 months ago

Akansha Rathi, Goodreads.com review, 5 stars, *****.

Akansha Rathi, Goodreads.com review, 5 stars, *****. It was amazing. Must read if you're into spirituality and mystic stuff. Exceptionally well written. Thought provoking and a profound imagery that just magically transports you through and beyond the doors of perception, as promised by the author himself. This book inspired me to start writing again and delve even deeper into topics like astronomy, metaphysics, spirituality, poetry, the art of writing and so much more! The goad that'll prod you into the direction you wanna head into on your journey. So thankful for this beautiful mind and his eloquent work of art that this book is! Good vibes!