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The unsuccessful man

The unsuccessful man
Bhat faizan
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹349 + shipping
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The Unsuccessful Man
In the serene yet challenging backdrop of Kashmir, The Unsuccessful Man delves deep into the life of Faizan, a young man from a small village who dreams of achieving greatness. This compelling fictional and inspirational novel explores the intricate dance between failure and success, portraying a journey that resonates with anyone who has ever faced setbacks and sought to find their true path.
From his earliest years, Faizan’s aspirations were sky-high. He believed that hard work would be his ladder to success, but life had different lessons in store. With each stumble, Faizan learned more about perseverance, resilience, and self-discovery. His failures were not just setbacks but essential parts of his journey, shaping him into a person of profound insight and strength.
As Faizan navigates the complexities of academic disappointments, deferred dreams, and the mirage of success, he discovers the deeper meanings of achievement and fulfillment. His story is not just about personal victories but about understanding what it truly means to be successful.
Why You’ll Love This Book:
Inspiring and Motivational: Faizan’s journey from failure to self-discovery is a powerful testament to the human spirit’s resilience.
Relatable Storytelling: Anyone who has faced challenges and questioned their path will find solace and inspiration in Faizan’s story.
Deep and Thought-Provoking: The novel invites readers to question conventional notions of success and reflect on their definitions of achievement.
Join Faizan on a transformative journey through the valleys of Kashmir and the depths of the human soul. The Unsuccessful Man is a heartfelt narrative that encourages readers to embrace their failures and redefine success on their terms.
About the Author:
Bhat Faizan, an emerging young writer from Kashmir, is just 18 years old and already making his mark in the literary world with his debut novel. Living in a small village, Faizan’s unique perspective and experiences have profoundly shaped his storytelling. His debut novel explores themes of failure, resilience, and the true meaning of success, offering readers both a moving narrative and motivational insights.

About the Author

Bhat Faizan is an 18-year-old author from a small village in Kashmir. The Unsuccessful Man is his debut novel, crafted with a deep sense of reflection and personal insight. Despite his young age, Faizan’s writing demonstrates a profound understanding of human emotions and the complexities of success and failure.

Living in a picturesque village, Faizan drew inspiration from his own experiences and the vibrant cultural landscape around him. His work is characterized by its originality, offering readers a fresh perspective on overcoming adversity and the pursuit of personal dreams.

Passionate about storytelling, Faizan uses his debut novel to explore themes of resilience and self-discovery. His narrative, although inspired by various influences, remains a testament to his unique voice and creative vision. As he continues his journey as a writer, Faizan remains committed to exploring the depths of human experience through compelling and inspirational fiction.

Book Details

Publisher: Bhat faizan
Number of Pages: 125
Dimensions: A5
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The unsuccessful man

The unsuccessful man

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