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The Race for Work

The Race for Work

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Bhoopathi 7 years, 9 months ago Verified Buyer

Not just the Why, but the How of finding your dream career

Automation and people losing their jobs is one of the most discussed threats to working population today. There is fear and lack of clarity on the job market in most of us. I found the most comprehensive discussion on this topic along with some clear guidelines to working professionals in this book.
The Race for Work presents a compelling argument on how the traditional jobs are increasingly getting irrelevant in today’s economy. Not just failing a generation of Millennials who can't get professional jobs after 4 years and unmanageable college debt, but the entire working population.

Bhoopathi presents the historical contexts of work throughout history, showing how these paradigms each shifting as a result of key technological changes from basic language, Nation-state, Bank, Corporation to the current world of Technology convergence. During the same time, the dominant resource that people value the most has been shifting historically from mother Nature, Land, Capital, Intellectual Capital to finally today the Artificial Intelligence.

After laying the groundwork for this theory, Bhoopathi then presents actionable steps to hedge these risks and find promising career opportunities in some of the emerging disruptive technologies what he calls the Big 3 Technologies. He also presents specific strategies and tactics to address some of the age old challenges such as identifying ones dream job, building expertise that other value in emerging technologies etc. With the rate at which digital innovation moves, it's difficult to keep these tactics timeless. But the concepts of the "Entrepreneurial mind-set" and “DREAM methodology” to find ones dream job will hold any working professional in good stead for years to come.

To be clear, this is not just a tactics-based "how to find my dream job" handbook for newbies. Nor is it insiders-only philosophical read for successful professionals. It's the necessary balance of age-old philosophical theories, real-world examples of successful professionals, and nitty-gritty strategies and tactics that can create a catalyst for change: not only the WHY, but the HOW and WHEN (i.e. right now)!