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From Wiser Ears

From a time in my life where I had more wisdom, borne out of ignorance and narcissism
Bikram Snehi
Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹294 + shipping
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Poems from when I was still young and carefree

About the Author

Bikram grew up in a cozy little town called Pune, about 200kms from Mumbai where he now lives. He still would prefer calling both those places by their erstwhile names, Poona and Bombay, but since that is against political sensibilities, he refrains from using those terms anymore. A little bit of a romantic, he spent more hours putting words together on the last benches of some great classes than he did putting together the rocket science and financial acumen that was imparted. Much to his chagrin, he now wishes he had spent even more time putting words together. He has two anthologies of poetry to his name, both written during his time as a student and later as an unemployed wasteful youth in an economy bursting with opportunity for well qualified engineers and financial analysts. His short war for the right to an unbridled life ended when his love...

Book Details

Publisher: Bikram Snehi
Number of Pages: 153
Dimensions: 5"x7"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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From Wiser Ears

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