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Elements of Competitive Programming : Dynamic Programming (88 Problems with Solutions)

A Functional Approach
Chandra Shekhar Kumar
Type: Print Book
Genre: Computer Programming
Language: English
Price: ₹500 + shipping
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Infused with the wisdom of Richard Bellman, the father of Dynamic Programming, this tiny book distills the inherent concepts and techniques in a problem-solution format with focus on :
* to convey the art of formulating the solution of problems in terms of dynamic-programming recurrence relations
* how to define and characterize the optimal value function
* evaluation of the feasibility and computational magnitude of the solution, based on the recurrence relation
* to show how dynamic programming can be used analytically to establish the structure of the optimal solution, or conditions necessarily satisfied by the optimal solution, both for their own interest and as means of reducing computation.

This book provides a functional approach to solving problems using dynamic programming. Written in an extremely lively form of problems and solutions (including code in modern C++ and pseudo style), this leads to extreme simplification of optimal coding with great...

About the Author

Chandra Shekhar Kumar is Co-Founder and CTO of Ancient Science Publishers. He is CEO and Co-Founder of Ancient Kriya Yoga Mission. He holds a degree of Integrated M.Sc.(5 yrs) in Physics from IIT Kanpur.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798357221247
Publisher: Ancient Science Publishers
Number of Pages: 232
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Elements of Competitive Programming : Dynamic Programming (88 Problems with Solutions)

Elements of Competitive Programming : Dynamic Programming (88 Problems with Solutions)

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