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The Economics of Life

A Guide to Personal Economics and Happiness
D C Anjaria
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹399
Price: ₹399
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Here is a simple book, a simple guide, primarily addressed to simple folks – non-economists.

The book is also addressed to professional economists, economic advisors to governments and the economic science academics and researchers.

The author firmly believes that economics ought to be a personal science, not just a theoretical science, urging the economists to integrate their economic science and public policy with the personal economics pursued by the non-economists. At the same time, he urges the non-economist community to understand the economic essentials and develop our own economics. The goal is to live a happy life, no matter what our economic condition is. We ought not to permit professional economics at the macro level and money to dominate our personal lives, our goals, and our economic wellbeing.

The book is a guide to developing personal economics for personal lives, where we do not suffer from lack of understanding of money-driven economics and be able to take personal economic decisions for individual happiness, at any stage in life. The book will give everyone a framework to develop their own economics and derive happiness by taking the right economic decisions not dictated by money alone or by governments and regulators and public policy makers.

Happy journey through the economic prison to economic freedom. And economic wellbeing.

About the Author

D. C. Anjaria has been a student of economics at the undergraduate level studying Commerce, at the post graduate level studying Business Administration, and then working as an international banker and financial markets professional.

At each stage, he has seen the value of economics as a social science, and its limitations at the personal level. His work with a leading American bank – Citibank, brought him in contact with diverse geographic and cultural milieus, in India, Mauritius, West Africa, Middle East, and Europe. He has seen people with diverse attitudes towards money, and people with both successful management of their economic lives and those who suffered from lack of understanding of money and economics.

In the end, the author managed to understand and shape his own economic life using his global exposure. He has also understood how the professional economists and governments develop their economic policies, while advising governments in India and Indonesia in public policy and regulatory structures for money-driven economies.

Using this lifelong experience, he has developed an understanding of personal economics as opposed to practice of economics at the macro-economy level. He now has crystallized and shared his “economic wisdom” for the benefit of the non-economist human beings, through this book as the distillation of the economic wisdom.

The author is one of you – a non-economist who has presented his economic wisdom with you and invites you to share your economic wisdom with him – D. C. Anjaria.

Book Details

ISBN: 9782958983154
Publisher: D C Anjaria
Number of Pages: 175
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

Ratings & Reviews

The Economics of Life

The Economics of Life

(4.00 out of 5)

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1 Customer Review

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ashokmvaishnav 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Useful tool to help plan your own chart for the path to economic happiness

The book comes in as an easy-to-understand guide for those who are normally not versed with the basic personal level money-based fundamental daily activities like earning, spending, saving, investing and withdrawals.

To those who have average to good knowledge of the money-based transactions, the book provides several new insights.

The book should also be useful to the practiceners of macroeconomics to understand the money and nonmoney decision-making practices of the common man which may be a great help to them in formulating the new economic policies and regulations.

Other Books in Self-Improvement, Business & Economics

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