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Śrī Viṣṇusahasranāma

The Beautiful Thousand Names of Viṣṇu
David Bruce Hughes (Gaurahari Dāsānudās Bābājī)
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English, Sanskrit
Price: ₹399 + shipping
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The Thousand Names of Lord Viṣṇu (God) from the Vedic classic Mahābhārata. With original Devanagari text, Roman transliterations, English synonyms and detailed philosophical introduction. Large clear type and layout designed for the practitioner who wants to chant this powerful prayer recommended as a daily spiritual practice.

About the Author

Senior disciple of Śrīla Prabhupāda, Master Teacher Gaurahari Dāsānudās Bābājī displayed a strong desire for a personal relationship with God from a very early age. After graduating from conservatory he embarked on a search for a bona fide spiritual master, which reached success when he took shelter at the lotus feet of His Divine Grace. However, he was not comfortable in ISKCON because of the pronounced tendency of the administration toward politics instead of deep scriptural study and spiritual realization.

After 1980, Bābājī preferred to continue his sādhana independently, culminating in a retreat in the jungles of Kaua'i in 2001, during which he chanted the Holy Name continuously for six months. At that time he was blessed with darśan of Govinda. He later performed insightful market research that led him to develop the highly successful Esoteric Teaching preaching concept. Returning to the mainland, he researched alternative community structures and...

Book Details

ISBN: 9780970358608
Publisher: Esoteric Teaching Seminars, Inc.
Number of Pages: 92
Dimensions: 8.26"x11.69"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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