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(6 Reviews)


Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
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‘THE EYE OF THE UNIVERSE’ ….. A new book is born …to clear many of the confusions in the field of spirituality.
It introduces you to your Reality as the single eternal entity, birthless and deathless, unchallenged by anything, facing no threat from anywhere, not under the watchful eye of any super-being, not governed by anyone ….standing on your own foundation …as Awareness, Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness (Brahmam). You are the seer of the world – the eye of the world; you lend reality to the world by cognizing the existence of the world. You are AWARENESS eternal…. a far greater reality than the universe.
If one has the intention of reading only one book in life, it should be this , because it opens up in front of you a highway to self-realisation – an escape route from further births and deaths. The choice is very serious – involving your eternal existence; one as a single entity – peaceful and unchallenged, and the other as a limited entity (in jeeva bhaavam) in suffering life after life eternally. All other books tell you stories about this world and the present body; and keep you blinded about your eternity.
And this book also holds a great contribution towards lasting world peace – by showing what religion is, intelligently.
Your own awareness is Brahmam – nothing different, nothing separate, nothing bigger or smaller – just the same. This book makes this clear with the help of Upanishads and with the words used in the Brahmavidya meditation.

The whole world is flooded with spiritual pauperity. Nothing worthwhile is seen anywhere, with the exception of some Upanishads. And whatever brilliant guidance offered by these Upanishads are also misinterpreted by teachers steeped in misconceptions …with hopeless incapacity to see the reality. ‘ THE EYE OF THE UNIVERSE’ holds out a hope to humanity in this situation. Its vision is clear. It sees the Upanishads in their correct sense. Have a look …and see how the Four Great Sayings (mahavakya-s) become easily acceptable even to the sharpest of intellects. It does not call for any blind belief. It perfectly appeals to the intellect, looked from the stand-point of this book. Place YOUR OWN AWARENESS in the place of THE SUPER POWER presented to you so far …and see how well it fits! This book establishes some acceptable theories; while shaking up some questionable beliefs.
When you try to understand the Great Saying ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ (I am Brahmam), you stumble on a mis-match. The age-old belief that Brahmam is omnicient and omnipotent comes in the way. THE EYE OF THE UNIVERSE clears this block, with the help of Upanishads.
The mission of this book is very serious – to save you from the eternal cycle of births and deaths, suffering in 8.4 million casts (moulds/types) of bodies. Failure to utilise the present human body to slip out of this cycle amounts to spiritual suicide.

About the Author

Born in 1938 (Age: 75)
Educated in Thiru’ananthapuram, Kerala.
Worked in ISRO (Indian Space Research Organasation) till retirement in 1994.
Along with the conventional education and official life, an equally strong and full-fledged spiritual inquisitiveness was developing in me from early childhood (say from the age of 3). I had the good fortune of meeting ever so many spiritual luminries from all over India – some very clear-headed, and some not so very much. There is a long list of teachers who contributed to my development (from Valmiki and Vasishta to the present day). But I could not so far find anyone who spoke 100% unalloyed truth only. So I imbibed what was acceptable to me in their teachings, and discarded the rest. Everybody falters when they come to use the word GOD. all their teachings evaporate.
The confusions prevailing in the field of spirituality pains me; the way almost all the spiritual teachers handle it irritates me. And hence this book. This is an answer to the spiritual pauperity with which the world is flooded.
I had a visit to Osho Centre (near Delhi) for a REGRESSION INTO PAST LIVES. And I understand that my two immediately preceding lives were in the roles of advanced sanyasis. Maybe my present spiritual understanding and clarity and conviction has the backing of these two previous lives also.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789351267553
Publisher: DEVESAN
Number of Pages: 316
Dimensions: 5.60"x8.20"
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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6 Customer Reviews

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mmohsin222 10 years, 2 months ago


Highly Recommended Reading. If you love Ramana Maharshi Who Am I ? Self-Enquiry , Nisarga Datta "I Am That", Swamy Vivekananda, Poojappura Gopala swamy, then you will love this book. Before you start reading this book, the author highly recommends that you first attend to his guided meditation (BRAHMAVIDYA MEDITATION) available at small payment on as mp3 download. The mp3 is 1 hour long. I followed the author's recommendation and I have not been disappointed !
I gained in 1 hour what might take months or years of searching for the Truth. "When the student is ready the teacher appears" - this is one of the laws of the Universe. I feel, Devesan is one of these teachers.

Please note that this 5 star review is based entirely on the guided meditation and upon reading the first half of the book. Thank you for reading my review !

devavidya 11 years, 3 months ago


This book reveals the Himalayan heights of Hindu spiritual philosophy. This book is capable to bring you in the dizzy heights of spiritual arena.

Prem Nath R
Founder & Consultant
Deva Vidya

Suresh D 11 years, 3 months ago


A book fit for inclusion in the curriculum of universities worldwide, to produce a new generation, sober with intelligent spiritual understanding. Serious Reading for the Serious seeker.

jayaprakash 11 years, 3 months ago


Through Brahmavidya meditation and with Upanishadic quotations, this book establishes that one's own awareness is Brahman, the Absolute consciousness. The four great Mahavakyas (great sayings) re-emerge with full force, freed from all illusions..It was an illuminating experience going through the book...

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