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(1 Review)

The Rationalist Manifesto

Walking the Ideal path, with a rational mind.
Diwankar Saxena
Type: Print Book
Genre: Politics & Society, Philosophy
Language: English
Price: ₹300 + shipping
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The Rationalist Manifesto is the observation of the divided Indian Society. It gives way for another perspective for the Indian People, that doesn't talk about supremacy, divisions or preservation, but reminds them  about the hopes that the future generation of India has from them. The book is for those who have grown tired of the political and social dichotomy of the Indian State, and still have hope for their great nation and its people. Ideologies and myths have been broken down in this book in simple language so as to make people understand the deep rooted problems of our great country, problems that are often brushed under the carpet. This book sends a message that is time for India to rise to this occasion and make changes for itself in which the youth of this nation works for the prosperity of it and not take out time to solve its many problems. To understand the changes in our political regimes, our social and political identity, this book leaves no point untouched and covers everything dedicatedly.
“It is the people who have the most power, but unlike power knowledge, wisdom and truth are kept at bay. Power without truth, wisdom or knowledge is the personification of vulnerability, destruction and chaos. The state of Indian politics is never going to change until and unless the state of Indian society changes, it is where will, power and mandate resides-with the people. And by mere knowledge, one can’t attain the truth as knowledge is a sword with wisdom as it’s hilt, without the hilt none can use that sword.”

About the Author

This is where I start. More importantly I am writing this book not to become an author but to share an idea, an idea that comes to mind of every common citizen, but rarely do they get the time to pen it down. I had lot of questions and inhibitions before I began this project on whether it would lead to a change in the hearts and minds of people who are so bent on dividing the world into a binary. I hope the thoughts, opinions and facts that are mentioned in the book would act like a mirror for the reader who also would have felt likewise but could not express themselves. I am one of you, I am no different. I am common man.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637541708
Number of Pages: 192
Dimensions: 5.83"x8.27"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The Rationalist Manifesto

The Rationalist Manifesto

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1 Customer Review

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REFORMERS 3 years, 8 months ago

Paves a way forward

The book leads us to understand the differences between the debate and the never-ending tussle of who is right whereas our primary focus should always be what is right.

Other Books in Politics & Society, Philosophy

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