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Type: Print Book
Genre: Education & Language, Reference
Language: English
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As we progress through this comprehensive exploration, we'll encounter various mathematical concepts, algorithmic approaches, and technical considerations that form the backbone of machine learning applications. From the nuanced art of feature engineering to the complexities of hyperparameter tuning, each section will delve into the theoretical foundations and practical implications of these crucial elements. By the end of this guide, readers will have gained a deep understanding of the intricate processes involved in developing and deploying machine learning models, equipping them with the knowledge to tackle sophisticated data-driven challenges across diverse fields.

About the Authors

Dr. G. Chamundeswari, Prof. (Dr.) B. K. Sarkar Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh, Prof.(Dr.) Vandana Singh

Book Details

ISBN: 9789367178218
Publisher: Springer-GEH Press
Number of Pages: 487
Dimensions: Letter/A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Application of Education in Startup

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