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Stop Worrying and start understanding Cancer

What you should do after diagnosis of cancer?
Dr. Jagdish Shinde
Type: Print Book
Genre: Medicine & Science, Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹475
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This book will help cancer patients and their families to find all information about cancer treatments, side effects, precautions, and answers to common problems of cancer patients with the author’s rich experience as a cancer specialist.

This book contains the following silent features
-Various signs and symptoms of cancer, diagnostic tests of cancer, initial counseling
-What you can expect during the cancer treatment
- Various treatment techniques including Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery their side effects, precautions, and types. How to cope with side effects.
- Palliative care
- Supportive therapies in cancer
- Financial, psychological, sex, and relationship issues in cancer

This book will act as a guide for cancer patients to navigate through their cancer treatment journey.

About the Author

Dr. Jagdish Shinde is among the top oncologists in India. The author has excellent academic records. He completed his MBBS, DMRT and MD from India’s top institutions. He is practicing in Pune and founder of ‘Cancer Care Pune’ a specialty cancer clinic in Pune India. He is also associated with Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital Pune and Integrated cancer treatment and research center Wagholi, Pune as a Consultant Clinical and Radiation Oncologist. The author has rich experience in treating various types of cancers. The author has been honored with an award of ‘Best Radiation Oncologist in Maharashtra’ by Praxis media healthcare awards. The author has given multiple speeches at conferences, public meetings and cancer awareness programs. The author is a life member of ‘The Association of Radiation Oncologists of India’. The author has expertise in high-precision radiation therapy in cancer. The author is having the youtube channel ‘Cancer Care Pune.’...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789357011143
Number of Pages: 136
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Stop Worrying and start understanding Cancer

Stop Worrying and start understanding Cancer

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