This is a subject dictionary of human resources management and organizational behavior. The book would be helpful for students, scholars, and teachers of management, hr management, and organizational behavior at undergraduate, graduate, and research levels. The book would be also very handy for managers and management practitioners.
Dr. Krishna Kant Sharma was post graduated and achieved his PhD from Patna University in Labour and Social Welfare. Previously he had also completed a master’s of science in chemistry and remained first class first. He was good in studies since schooling and was successful in the National Rural Talent Search Examination leading to a scholarship from the Government of India during his secondary level schooling. He got interested in subjects like Science, Technology, and Society, History and Philosophy of Science and Social Sciences. He also remained a doctoral and postdoctoral fellows of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). He taught at the PG levels at the Patna University for more than five years. He successfully completed research projects of the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Towards side readings, he studied various books on Indian Philosophy, Vedic Literatures, Astronomy, Environmental Chemistry, Solid Waste Management, Urban Studies, and Research Methods in Science and Social Sciences. He completed various short courses in Health Research Fundamentals, Biostatistics, Design of Experiments, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System, SPSS, and HR Management. He successfully completed courses in Philosophy of Science & Technology and Smart City Management respectively from Edinburgh University, UK and École Polytechnique, Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
In addition to this book his other books are Public Health Administration in Bihar, Public Health Human Resources Management (PH2RM), National Health Mission– Execution & Achievements, and Development, Education, and Society.