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Type: Print Book
Genre: Reference, Science & Technology
Language: English
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Vegetable play an important role in human health and nutritional security. However, the productivity level is still low in comparison to other developed countries and still it is difficult to provide requisite quantity of vegetables per capita per day. At present, the per capita availability is approximately 200 g per day as against the requirement of 300 g/capita/day recommended for balanced diet. The production and productivity potential of vegetables depends upon many factors like good quality seed, improved variety, agronomic practices and environment conditions. India is the largest producer of vegetables after China in the world. However, to meet the challenges in the domestic market as well as to compete in the international market, there is a need of evolving strategies for the development and breeding of suitable varieties/hybrids and quality planting material. Development of hybrid varieties, integrated insect-pest and disease management practices, integrated nutrient management plan and standardizing improved agro-techniques including organic farming has changed the scenario of vegetable production in the country.

About the Authors

Dr. Kshipra Nag, Dr. Jay B. Pandya, Dr. Devidas N. Patil, Dr. Seema P. Narkhede

Book Details

ISBN: 9789367267943
Publisher: Book Saga Publications
Number of Pages: 303
Dimensions: A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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