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In Dravyaguna shastra, rasapancahaka of each drug is mentioned which represents the dravya. As rasapanchaka are five components of dravya, in which guna plays a prime importance. Guna are present in dravya same guna are also present in dosha’s. Dravya’s having similar guna as that of dosha’s is responsible for its aggravation where as opposite guna dravya is responsible for its samana. Guna’s are also present with rasa,veerya as well as vipaka likewise shadupkrama is also based on Guna’s. As 20 gurvadiguna’s (Sharirka guna) are mentioned and guna of drugs are mentioned individually, Guna is inseparable entity which is always present along with drug. Some of Gunas we found somehow success like guru laghu in the form of density, specific gravity, Snigdha–ruksha in the form of fat content, moisture content, swelling index, Agneeyatva in the form of pH. So, it is need of hour to have such experimental model...
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