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Cashless Economy is the Global phenomenon and embracing entire world, including India. You
can avoid Internationalization but not the Globalization. The Demonetization is just a part of this
movement. Every Indian is curious to know about this movement. They are desperately trying to
grasp the subject through Media. But the noisy politically dominated discussions add to confusion.
Moreover, the WhatsApp rumors are creating havoc. No doubt that, hundreds of articles are
available on web but mostly they are based on sound knowledge of economics, taxation and
monetary and fiscal policies, which common man doesn’t understand. Thus, I feel that, there
should be a book on Cashless Economy, which everybody could understand with full complexities
without any prior knowledge of economics or allied subjects. In addition to this, the book should
serve as a vital reference point for Economist, Policy Makers across the world. To address to such
a heterogeneous reader section is a herculean task. I have accepted the...
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