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Genre: Education & Language
Language: English
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This edition have been advanced according to suggestions and need of the students and teachers. Since many State Boards and CBSE have been adopted NCERT books as standard for their board examinations. Keeping in view this change, we have written this textbook for class X students. During the writing of this book we always remained conscious of difficulties of students and have tried to provide a simple, well-illustrated and up-to-date information of the subject. No originality is claimed in the account of this book. This book is a compilation from different sources like several modern and classical books including NCERT books.

About the Authors

Dr. Ravikant Singh received his Bachelor degree in Botany and Zoology from University of Allahabad; Master degree in Botany from University of Allahabad; Master degree in Biochemistry from U.P.R.T.O. University, Prayagraj; Bachelor degree in Education from V.B.S. Purvanchal University, Jaunpur and earned his PhD in Biochemistry at SVN University, Sagar, M.P., India. He published a dozen of research articles on Gymnospermic essential oils. He is also the author two books named BIOLOGY 12 .
Mrs. Preeti Singh received his Bachelor degree in Botany and Chemistry from University of Allahabad; Master degree in Bioinformatics from University of Allahabad and Bachelor degree in Education from V.B.S. Purvanchal University, Jaunpur. She is life member of The Koshika Trust and Vigyan Bharti. She was Ex R.A. at Central Drug Research of India, Lucknow, India. She is also a coauthor of an International Research Paper. She is also an author of a book named as BIOLOGY 10. She is senior biology lecturer at Prayagraj. She is HOD of Bioinformatics and Biology at The Koshika Trust, India.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789389844641
Number of Pages: 90
Dimensions: A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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1 Customer Review

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Rk Singh 4 years, 11 months ago Verified Buyer

This is really excellent edition. Highly recommend to buy the book.

This book is a boon to the students of class 10 of CBSE and other state board of India. This book provide you the best knowledge and information to enhance your skills. This book help you out to gain 100% marks in your board examination. Must buy this book.

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