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Quality Indicators in Higher Education Institutions

Dr. Sanjay Kumar and Dr. Tania Gupta
Type: Print Book
Genre: Education & Language
Language: English
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About The Book
Quality education can be defined as an outcome which includes knowledge, attitudes, and skills that are connected to national goals for education and productive citizenship. As a multi-dimensional concept, quality in higher education looks at the quality of a whole institution through its inputs, processes, outcomes, and contextual indicators. In order to address the concerns linked to access, equity, quality, and employability, Indian higher education has undergone numerous stages of transition. The higher education system must accord priority to create a system that can deliver quality in terms of a skilled, competent, and employable workforce while simultaneously putting an emphasis on world-class research and innovation. In India, the quality of higher education institutions is monitored by accrediting bodies such as the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Several quality indicators have been developed on academic and administrative aspects of the...

About the Author

Dr. Sanjay Kumar is working with Saraswati College of Professional Studies Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. He is a postgraduate in Education Management, Commerce and Marketing Management. He is also UGC-NET qualified in Education, Commerce and Management. He has a doctorate degree in Business and Management from JNU, Jaipur. He possesses more than 20 years of rich experience in academics, administration, research, accreditation and online education. He has contributed more than 10 research papers in UGC notified national and international journals. He has successfully conducted more than 30 online workshops on Digital skills for Teachers during 2020-21 and 2021-22. He has presented more than 5 papers in National Conferences on the topics-digital skills, virtual classrooms, digital citizenship and digital safety for teachers.He has developed an online 30 hours “Certified Digital Teacher Course” for all levels of teachers.He has also developed a one week online self learning course on Google Site...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789391654016
Publisher: EZ Education
Number of Pages: 222
Dimensions: 7"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Quality Indicators in Higher Education Institutions

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