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Problem Solving and Programming Concept

Dr. Shrawan Kumar, Er. Vikash Kumar Singh
Type: Print Book
Genre: Computers & Internet, Computer Programming
Language: English
Price: ₹950
Price: ₹950
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Today, computers are all around us. We use them for doing various tasks in a faster and more accurate manner. For example, using a computer or smartphone, we can book train tickets online. India is a big country and we have an enormous railway network. Thus, railway reservation is a complex task. Making reservation involves information about many aspects, such as details of trains (train type, types of berth and compartments in each train, their schedule, etc.), simultaneous booking of tickets by multiple users and many other related factors. It is only due to the use of computers that today, the booking of the train tickets has become easy. Online booking of train tickets has added to our comfort by enabling us to book tickets from anywhere, anytime. We usually use the term computerisation to indicate the use of computer to develop software in order to automate any routine human task efficiently. Computers are used for solving various day-to-day problems and thus problem solving is an essential skill that a computer science student should know.

About the Authors

Dr. Shrawan Kumar
Assistant Professor
Phd (Computer Science)
M-Tech (CSE), Bachelor of Engineering (CS)

Er. Vikash Kumar Singh
Ph.D(Pursuing-Computer Science),M-Tech(CSE),BE(Information Technology)

Book Details

ISBN: 9788197286698
Publisher: GEH Press
Number of Pages: 338
Dimensions: 8"x11"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Problem Solving and Programming Concept

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