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વસંત-લતા (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Satire
Language: Gujarati
Price: ₹100
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Available Formats: PDF


Vasant-Lata' is more than just a teenage novel and more, too, than the story of two young people who are themselves the tragic victims of broken marriages. Its wide canvas, spanning India, East Africa and Britain, makes it a true tale for our community in this century which has witnessed emigration on an epic scale.
Vasant Desai is on his way to recruit teaching staff for the Janata High School in Kisumu, Kenya, of which he is the general secretary. On the train from Nadiad to Ahmedabad he meets the smart and beautiful Lata, who is herself travelling to appear at the interview as one of the applicants for a post at the school. It's a case, although restrained, of love at first sight.'
Imagine Lata's surprise the next day, when the interview officer she faces is the same 'Mister' whom she encountered on the train.
Lata is one of the successful...

About the Author

Shree Popatlal is a maths teacher by profession. He graduated with Masters in Gujarati and Sanskrit. He emigrated from Gujarat to Tanzania in the Fifties. A pious family man with varied interests in poetry, culture, drama, sports, games, and religious teachings. A playwright, journalist, actor, photographer, and an author of several books mostly humorous. He was a close friend to the late Doctor Shree Ram Lagoo (Bolywood) who he shared acting and drama interests. Winner of many literary awards in East Africa and London. A talented man. A meticulous cook narrated recipes for the family usage of pickles and dishes.

Book Details

Publisher: Dippack Mistri
Number of Pages: 205
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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