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Shadows (eBook)

Evil underneath soul
Type: e-book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹68
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


Everyone is afraid of shadow, but shadow is nothing but a reflection. it does not have its on character but it has the character of it owner, so if its evil its you, Soul is not some unknown entity. Therefore look into your soul and course correct. This book presents only one among many type of shadows in poetry format. So read and enjoy.

About the Author

Hi My name is Abhinab Pattjoshi. Growing up in a small town of India, always thinking about the world outside my world and admiring writers from all around the blocks and genre . I stepped into the world of writing story through rhyming word. I do not have any formal education but I
loved to express in a language which were always alien to me and I belong to an age of Internet which helped me exploring a lot. It was challenging and exciting to bind sentence in a form that I am not familiar with. I started my
journey with a thought and I have scribbled those
thousand times but for the first time I am inking those thought down through this book.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 20
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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