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This Volume no. 5 continues with the English narration of the Story of Lord Ram as described in the devotional classic known as ‘Ram Charit Manas’ written by Goswami Tulsidas, from where we had left it in volume no. 4, i.e. Doha no. 163 of Canto 2, Ayodhya Kand.
The entire Book ‘Ram Charit Manas’ is divided into 7 Cantos, named Baal Kand, Ayodhya Kand, Aranya Kand, Kishkindha Kand, Sundar Kand, Lanka Kand, and Uttar Kand.
The topics that are covered in this volume no. 5 are the following:
(1) After Bharat performed the last rites of his father, a royal conference was held where the seniors tried to persuade him to accept the crown of the kingdom of Ayodhya in the absence of Lord Ram, but he refused, saying that he wants to go to the forest and ask for forgiveness from the Lord, besides requesting him to...
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