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Sher-O-Shayari (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Politics & Society
Language: Hindi, Urdu
Price: ₹49
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


Social, cultural, religious, and family celebrations such as 15 August, 26 January, farewells, birthdays, weddings, picnics, anniversaries of great men, parties come back again and again. Schools, colleges, offices, parks, tourist resorts, houses, events are everywhere. In a public session, you read poems and gain recognition from people. It is very time-consuming to find suitable couplets for special occasions. So, I have compiled thematic poems for the stage performance that can help you get applause, win hearts and gain self-confidence.

About the Author

Ajit Singh is equally interested in fiction and non-fiction and has written many books in English, Hindi, and Urdu. He has performed in Haryana, published his prose and verse in India and Pakistan, and participated in an international online poetry symposium organized by Bazm-e-Urdu, Qatar.
He lives in a village, teaches science, and comes from a farming family. His father served as a major in the Parachute Regiment of the Indian Army.
Ajit plays cricket, football, volleyball, badminton, and chess. He loves harmonium and flute, sings folk songs, and also enjoys gardening in his spare time. His nickname is "Badal," which means "cloud" in English.

Book Details

Publisher: Ajit Singh
Number of Pages: 46
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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