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A Shadow Under the Light (eBook)

edition III
Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English
Price: ₹5
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It is a very poignant story which elucidates about the struggle of a helpless woman who succumbed to battling poverty in a metropolitan city of India.
She shifted to Bangalore from a village situated on the bank of river Cauvery after having been married to Mohan. Since childhood she was struggling with poverty but getting married couldn’t help her find destiny. Her husband abandoned her facing frequent squabble with her owing to family burden and his drinking habit. In utter desperation she had to take resort of doing house-hold works in other’s houses. But the burden of monthly room-rent couldn’t add oxygen to her daily life tempo. She was not able to save money with which she could take care of herself even while in pregnancy as well as put her children in a school.
Her dedication towards her land-lord lady earned reward but that didn’t last till her pregnancy...

About the Author

Amit kumar writes romantic fiction and social issues-laced stories. Born and raised in Bihar, Amit Kumar, has observed poverty, social-inequality, gender-inequality and ill-effects of politics very keenly, now lives in Mumbai, where he beholds rich class, western culture, slums and bordello.
Despite being an engineer, Amit kumar inclined towards observing social issues. He wants his voice to be heard through his pen. His debut novel ‘A Shadow Under the Light’ depicts extreme poverty and misery of a woman in a cosmopolitan city. His stories collections ‘Unseasoned Rains’ and Unclouded Rains’ contains stories having themes love, lust, inequality and poverty. They are good reads and available on Flipkart, Amazon and Bokscamel.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789389534603
Publisher: Educreation Publishing
Number of Pages: 73
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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