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Hindu Marriage Ceremony (eBook)

Bengali Style
Type: e-book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹99
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Available Formats: PDF


Globalization is the current mantra on everybody's lips. As a result Bengalis are coming in contact with all nationalities of this world. A Bengali boy or girl meets a girl or a boy from another cultural background, they fall in love and want to get married. The first thought that goes through their mind is a magnificent wedding with all the fanfare and rituals that they have grown up with in a typical Bengali Hindu family. They want this type of wedding but in a shorter version with translations and explanation of all the mantras and vows that are written in Sanskrit. This book attempts just that. All the sequences of a Hindu wedding are followed with the principal mantras and vows included but followed with explanation of the Sanskrit text in clear lucid English for the benefit of both the bride and the groom and all the invited...

About the Author

The author is a retired Civil Engineer who spent all his working life in the UK. He is not a regular Priest but has acted as a priest in all kinds of Pujas and Weddings that took place in UK. The first weddiong that he conducted as a Priest was in 1990 when his sister got married in New York. Since then he has presided as a Priest all over Europe at multi-cultural weddings. The author can be contacted at the following email address.

Book Details

Publisher: Self
Number of Pages: 34
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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