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Younker! - The Flight of Youthful Temptations (eBook)

Poetry Celebrating Youth
Type: e-book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹99
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Available Formats: PDF


Embark on a poetic journey with "Younker," where 25 talented poets come together to celebrate the essence and spirit of youth. Edited by young poet and academician Bidisha Chakraborty, "Younker!" is an invitation to reminisce and reconnect with the youthful spirit within, a testament to the eternal nature of our most vibrant and transformative years.

This anthology is more than a collection of poems; it's a tribute to the enduring spirit that youth represents, transcending beyond the bounds of age and time.

This brilliantly designed anthology from CultureCult Press is an exquisite blend of classic art and poetry. Its pages celebrate the eternal spirit of youth, showcasing classic paintings that have immortalised the essence and vitality of youth. Alongside the modern poetic explorations, the book is interspersed with timeless lines about youth from luminaries such as Keats, Yeats, Tagore, D.H. Lawrence, Coleridge and others.

Adyasha Mohapatra,...

Book Details

ISBN: 9788196658229
Publisher: CultureCult Press
Number of Pages: 96
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Younker! - The Flight of Youthful Temptations

Younker! - The Flight of Youthful Temptations

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