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manamniraye santhosham

manamniraye santhosham

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biju_thekkanal 10 years ago Verified Buyer

Re: manamniraye santhosham (e-book)

•Absolutely awesome, this book completely blew me away .This hits on so many points for me .Happiness is and always will be a mystery to many. And the author touches upon some important truths here. Author tries to convince the importance of focusing on the present with an open, positive mind, as NOW is what truly matters. Sometimes there are so many things I want to say, advice to give to others, a way to show there is a better way yet I can't seem to find the right words to say or way to say it. This is, by far, the best book I have read in a long time regarding finding your inner happiness. ....it's just so great. Thank you so much for sharing! And I encourage everyone to read this book…