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The Night Queen (eBook)

she starts hunting when her preys are in deep slumber....
Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English
Price: ₹50
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


There is no light….

There is no hope……

There is only darkness and darkness…..

It is a door of ditch, once anyone got trap in its jaws, fall in its deep darkness forever.

There is no rescue…..

There is no turning back…..

Rani is a simple and naive girl, living in her own beautiful and imaginary world. She is unknown to the external world. She is like a butterfly, hovering hither and thither. She is like a bird, flattering her wings to sour in the open sky.

However, one day, her beautiful world came to the abrupt halt; her own uncle, Raghu cajoled her to accompany with him to see her ailing elder sister. But Raghu betrayed her, and trapped her like a prey and hurled her in the midst of hungry human beast to quench the appetites of their lust.

Helpless and hapless Rani, tried to...

About the Author

Birister Sharma is a graduate in Journalism & Mass Communication. He is working as a freelance journalist. He is a writer/author/poet/blogger. His areas of interest are reading, writing, singing, watching movies, playing cricket & traveling a lot.

You may contact him @ or

Book Details

Publisher: Birister Sharma
Number of Pages: 153
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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The Night Queen

The Night Queen

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