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A Change of Mind or a Change of Character?
Type: e-book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Theology
Language: English
Price: ₹160
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


Repentance is God's clarion call to all mankind to come and reason with Him. In this book, you will find out that all it takes to repent is to change your mind and acknowledge that the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ has taken away your sins. You will equally discover from this book that no one will ever get forgiveness merely by confession of sins or keeping to a particular code of conducts.

This book proffers answers to frequently asked questions on the concept and Doctrine of Repentance, which includes;
*At What Point Does Salvation Take Place?

*How to Know if a man is Saved?

*What does it mean to Frustrate the Grace of God?

*Why Did John come Baptizing with Water?

*How can a sinner repent of his sins?

*What happens if a believer later sin, will he not ask for forgiveness?

*Are you saying we can now live anyhow since Christ has died for our sins?

After reading this book, it is my prayer for you to witness the simplicity and love of Christ. it is also my desire that this book shall be a guild to you in helping others around you find solace in the peace and eternal forgiveness which our Lord Jesus Christ offers. HAPPY READING!!!

About the Author

Chidubem Adie is a legal practitioner and the lead author of the Spirit School Ministry International; focused on teaching the revealed word of God till the whole earth is covered with the knowledge of the glory of God as the water covers the sea.

The book, Doctrine of Repentance is part of his series in the 'QUIET COUNSEL' and it is a doctrinal persuasion on the finished work of Christ wherein Christ called people everywhere to change their mind and turn to Him in repentance.

Book Details

Publisher: The Spirit School Int'l
Number of Pages: 67
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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