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The Django Crash Course book is a guided walkthrough where we build a real, production-quality Django web application from the ground up.
Originally a large part of our corporate training materials, this tutorial was once only available to companies paying US$3000 a seat for in-person training. The contents of this book are professional-grade and have been used by real software companies to get their engineers up and running fast with Python 3.8 and Django 3.x development.
This book is designed to build solid foundations for any python developer looking to get proficient with Django fast. Once you've finished the book, you'll be able to purchase Django Crash Course extensions on topics such as deployment on various platforms, Django REST Framework (DRF), Javascript frameworks like VueJS and/or React, third-party packages, and more. If you haven't done Python yet, we suggest you spend a few days learning the fundamentals of their language.
This is the Beta version of the book. Beta means that this is an early release version of our book. It's rather stable right now, but periodically we'll update the e-book download with corrections and improved formatting, sending out updates via the last Thursday of each month until we're done.
0. Introduction
1. The Ultimate Django Setup
2. Hello, World in Django
3. Preparation: Install Dependencies
4. Generate a Starter Django Project
5. Create a Database and Run the Project
6. Create a Django-Superuser
7. Practice Using the Admin
8. Generate a Homepage App
9. Prepping the Project for Templates
10. Add a Simple Homepage View
11. Create Your First Django Template
12. Working With Variables in Templates
13. Calling View Methods From Templates
14. Your First Project is Complete!
15. The EveryCheese Project
16. Using Cookiecutter and Template
17. Exploring the Generated Boilerplate
18. Starting Up Your New Django Project
19. Cheese Boilers
20. Initializing the Git Repo Committing and Pushing
21. Git Is Not for Stinky Cheeses
22. What We Get From The Users App
23. Adding User Bios
24. Adding Bio to User Detail Template
25. Introducing Tests
26. User Profile Cheese
27. The Cheeses App and Model
28. Trying Out the Cheese Model
29. Tests and Test Coverage
30. The Cheeserator
31. Adding Cheeses to the Admin
32. Behind the Curtain
33. Class Based View Fundamentals
34. Writing the Cheese List View
35. Wiring in the List View Url
36. the Cheese List Template
37. Add the CheeseDetailView
38. The Cheese Detail Template
39. Where to Dip Your Class Based Views
40. Writing Factories for Tests
41. Why Use Factories
42. Using Factories in Tests
43. How Your Cheese Objects Feel About Your Tests
44. Finding and Adding a Third Party Countries App
45. Display Cheese Country Data
46. Implement Cheese Creation by Users
47. Use Django Crispy Forms for Better Display
48. Understand View Mixins and Loginrequiredmixin
49. Add a Creator Field and Update Our Cheese Records
50. Track and Display the Cheese Creator
51. Update the Cheese Factory
52. Update the Cheese Model Tests
53. Test All the Cheese Views
54. Test All the Cheese Url Patterns
55. Adding a CheeseUpdateView and Form Recycling
56. Test the Cheese Forms and Update Views
57. EveryCheese is the Foundation!
58. Troubleshooting
59. Acknowledgements
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