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<p><b>Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices For Django 1.8 is chock-full of even more material that will help you with your Django projects.</b></p><p>We'll introduce you to various tips, tricks, patterns, code snippets, and techniques that we've picked up over the years.</p><p>We have put thousands of hours into the third edition of the book, writing and revising its material to include significant improvements and new material based on feedback from previous editions.</p><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><ul><li>Chapter 1: Coding Style</li><li>Chapter 2: The Optimal Django Environment Setup</li><li>Chapter 3: How To Lay Out Django Projects</li><li>Chapter 4: Fundamentals of Django App Design</li><li>Chapter 5: Settings and Requirements Files</li><li>Chapter 6: Model Best Practices</li><li>Chapter 7: Queries and the Database Layer</li><li>Chapter 8: Function- and Class-Based Views</li><li>Chapter 9: Best Practices for Function-Based Views</li><li>Chapter 10: Best Practices for Class-Based Views</li><li>Chapter 11: Form Fundamentals</li><li>Chapter 12: Common Patterns for Forms</li><li>Chapter 13: Templates: Best Practices</li><li>Chapter 14: Template Tags and Filters</li><li>Chapter 15: Django Templates and Jinja2</li><li>Chapter 16: Building REST APIs</li><li>Chapter 17: Consuming REST APIs</li><li>Chapter 18: Tradeoffs of Replacing Core Components</li><li>Chapter 19: Working With the Django Admin</li><li>Chapter 20: Dealing with the User Model</li><li>Chapter 21: Django's Secret Sauce: Third-Party Packages</li><li>Chapter 22: Testing Chapter of Doom!</li><li>Chapter 23: Documentation: Be Obsessed</li><li>Chapter 24: Finding and Reducing Bottlenecks</li><li>Chapter 25: Asynchronous Task Queues</li><li>Chapter 26: Security Best Practices</li><li>Chapter 27: Logging: Tips and Tools</li><li>Chapter 28: Signals: Use Cases and Avoidance Techniques</li><li>Chapter 29: What About Those Random Utilities?</li><li>Chapter 30: Deployment: Platforms as a Service</li><li>Chapter 31: Deploying Django Projects</li><li>Chapter 29: Identical Environments: The Holy Grail</li><li>Chapter 32: Continuous Integration</li><li>Chapter 33: The Art of Debugging</li><li>Chapter 34: Where and How to Ask Django Questions</li><li>Chapter 35: Closing Thoughts</li><li>Appendix A: Packages Mentioned In This Book</li><li>Appendix B: Troubleshooting</li><li>Appendix C: Additional Resources</li><li>Appendix D: Internationalization and Localization</li><li>Appendix E: Settings Alternatives</li><li>Appendix F: Working with Python 3</li></ul><p><b>What is everyone saying about Two Scoops of Django?</b></p><ul><li><i>I read the first edition cover to cover. The second one raises the bar again. It's pedagogical, entertaining, and thoughtful.</i> -- Aymeric Augustin, Django core developer.</li><li><i>Whether you're a Django beginner or a seasoned veteran, I recommend you get this book, and read it cover to cover, and keep it near you for easy reference.</i> --Ken Cochrane, Django developer since 2008<li><i>A single read-through of Two Scoops of Django gave me so many lightbulbs and tips; I had to go back for a second helping.</i> -- Lynn Root, Spotify engineer, PSF Director, and PyLadies ambassador.</li><li><i>Make sure you have your favorite project next to you while reading. You'll be doing some rewriting.</i> -- Bryan Veloso, GitHubber, PyCon PH Keynote Speaker</li><li><i>You know those lessons you learn when projects blow up in your face? This book contains several projects worth of such lessons.</i> -- Lennart Regebro, author of "Porting to Python 3"</li><li><i>This book should prove to be an amazing resource for any new-to-Django developer that picks it up.</i> -- Kenneth Love, Creator of "Getting Started with Django"</li><li><i>This is the book I wished had existed and I could have read when I started learning Django.</i> -- Barry Morrison, Linux systems engineer and Django developer</li></ul>
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