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Step by step guide to the NCEMA 7000 (eBook)

Implement BCM the UAE way!
Type: e-book
Genre: Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹731
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


Written in an easy to understand manner, and using everyday common sense examples that are easy to relate to, this book tries to simplify BCM rather than complicate it. This book contains:

•Clause by clause explanation, including tips, guidance and suggestions
•List of NCEMA Deliverables
•16 Annexures and Templates designed to help organizations implement the NCEMA BCM Model faster, better and cheaper

A deep dive is made into all 4 stages of putting in place a BCM Program in line with the NCEMA BCM Action Model, which are

•BCM Program Establishment
•BCM Program Operations
•BCM Program Review
•BCM Program Continual Improvement

The approach has been to walk through the full NCEMA standard, clause-by-clause, typically devoting one chapter to each critical clause/ sub-clause of the Standard. Chapters are typically divided into the following sections, which are:

•Overview – what does the clause state
•Explanation – what is meant by the above, including the intent of the...

About the Authors

The Authors of this book both have over 35 years of work experience, of which over 10 years is as a trainer/consultant/auditor/assessor. Both are former department heads who have handled the Crisis Management and BCM function in their organisations, before turning to Consulting as a career. They are both trainers who have been teaching the NCEMA UAE training courses for over 2 years now, and the BCI training courses (CBCI) for over 7 years now. Between them, they have conducted Business Continuity sessions for over 1000 participants, sessions right from the CEO and company board members to the operational level. The authors have been invited to present at various conference such as DRII US, itSMF UK, BCM World UK, DRI Asia (Malaysia), ISACA (UAE), and also the Middle East BCM and IT Resilience Summits in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and KSA.

Both the Authors work for the Abu Dhabi based...

Book Details

Publisher: Self published
Number of Pages: 389
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Step by step guide to the NCEMA 7000

Step by step guide to the NCEMA 7000

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