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Social Auditor Mcq (eBook)

Exam Based Memory Questions
Type: e-book
Genre: Exam Preparation
Language: English
Price: ₹550
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Available Formats: PDF


Social Auditor is youngest profession in India. Social Audit has been introduced by SEBI. NISM (National Institute of Securities Management) is only agency to conduct exam for Social Audit. The exam contains Multiple Choice Questions. Social Auditor MCQs have been developed with intent to help Social Auditor Aspirants. The Book contain 2000+ exam-oriented questions including more than 200+ Exam Memory Based Questions (EMBQ). This XXIII Series SACE NISM exam has been started from February, 2023. About 80-85% syllabus is entirely new. Professionals CA/CS/ICMA are eligible. Post Graduate with 3 years’ experience and others with 6 years’ experience in Development Sector are eligible to appear in exam. The profession of Social Audit has attracted attention of diverse professionals. Not only commerce professionals, even seasoned engineers, academicians, retired bureaucrats and others have already started dreaming about this emerging profession. More than 400 Qualified Social Auditor are already there in India. In next one year this figure is expected to reach 5000+ professionals. Three Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs), namely Institute of Social Auditors of India (ISAI) promoted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India; ICSI Institute of Social Auditors (IISA) by Institute of Company secretaries of India and ICMAI Social Auditors Organisation (ISAO) by Instiute of Cost Auditors of India have been issued letters by SEBI. After passing the exam, Qualified Social Auditors need to empanel with one of them.

The concept of Social Stock Exchange was proposed by the Hon'ble Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman in her Budget speech on 1st February, 2019. Three amendments in the SEBI Regulations - SEBI (LODR) Regulations; SEBI (ICDR) Regulation and SEBI (AIF) Regulation. SEBI has licensed NSE and BSE to create Social Stock Exchange. NSE SSE and BSE SSE have started registering NPOs. India is only 8th country in the world to initiate Social Stock Exchange. Whole of the world would be looking towards success of India’s model of SSE. Committee recommendations have resulted into emergence of a new profession ‘SOCIAL AUDITOR’.

Exam of Social is easy because of MCQ methodology; your professional experience; early days. At the same time, this is difficult, even seasoned professionals are failing in this exam because 85% of the syllabus being new; complex level of MCQs (being super exam, one shall not expect simple fill in the blanks type questions) & already loaded life of practicing professionals. The book is second edition, first got sold in first four months. Totally focused on Social Auditor Exam' loaded only and only with exam oriented ticklish questions. Author is sure that with two rounds of 'Social Auditor exam MCQs book, YOU will pass this exam very soon. But remember, the journey for early entrant in any new profession is very adventurous and exciting. As a ‘Social Auditor’, your journey would surely be very exciting. Even as a student, you will realise that problem of ambiguity and subjectivity and need of more clarity.

The profession of ‘Social Audit’ is starting with recognition bestowed by SEBI for audit of ‘Annual Impact Report’. If nothing more, this is solid beginning. ‘Social Impact Assessment’ studies under CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) are likely to fall in the ambit of Social Auditor. Even State governments carrying out social audit of Government driven projects adopt tender route for appointing audit firm from private space. Qualification for Social Auditor is likely to become mandatory for such tenders as well. Social projects also need ‘Project Concept Note’; ‘Detailed Project Report’; ‘Social Matrix’; ‘Interim Impact Studies’ and many such voluminous documents. The growth of ‘Social Audit’ will also depend upon performance and initiative taken by early entrants in the profession.

The Book contains more than 2100 questions including 200+ Exam Memory Based Questions. EMBQ are forwarded to author by professionals who have passed this exam in this window of 5 months. All the Best for your Exams. You may send exam questions to us and you will be paid INR 50/- for every fresh question (which is not in our data bank on the date of receipt) with the upper limit of entire cost paid to buy this book. If you are more comfortable to practice on screen then YOU are advised to register on ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR EXAMS.

About the Author

Dr. AJAY GARG is a Diversified Professional, Effective Speaker, Technical Author - Writer and Social Entrepreneur with total corporate experience of 38 years. He is mentor at Startup India portal. He did his post graduations in Economics (MA Eco.), Commerce (M.Com) and Management (MBA). Besides LLB, he is Fellow Member of ICSI and ICA (Indian Council of Arbitration), IBBI Registered Valuer, Registered IPR Attorney, Qualified Insolvency Professional, Qualified Independent Director, Qualified Social Auditor, Labour Laws Compliance Mantor and Doctorate in Commerce. He regularly writes articles on corporate matters and has delivered numerous lectures in professional and management Institutes and Engineering Colleges including ICSI (245 lectures), ICAI (116 lectures), Private Educational Institutes (154), Public Educational Institutes (108). He has served as Director on the Board of Corporation Bank (2008-2011) for a period of three years. His social initiative Aao! Vyapaar Kar Len!! is popular amongst youths in NCR region. He is Honorary Secretary General of NORMI (National Odour Research and Management Institute) for the year 2022-23 & 23-24 and also Honorary Secretary General of ‘Global Confederation of NGOs’.

His four (i) “Financial Inclusion – Viable Opportunities in Urban India’, (2011) (ii) ‘Corporate Laws’ (2012) (iii) CA Professionals and SMEs in Make in India – Handbook for Practitioners” (2015) published by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ICAI. (iv) Come On! Start The Business!! (2021). Fifth book is now in your hands.

Globally, he has been to USA, South Africa, Kenya, Bangladesh, Singapore and Malaysia. His initiative is runaway success with more than 5,00,000 hits in less than 3 years. New initiative has started its journey in 2023.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789359677415
Number of Pages: 411
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Social Auditor Mcq

Social Auditor Mcq

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thirdwall 1 year, 4 months ago

great book

absolutely worth it! It helped he clear the exam!! go fot it.

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