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The Great Game (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Mystery & Crime
Language: English
Price: ₹200
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Available Formats: PDF


The World War II has ended and I find myself in Tokyo with an impelling desire to kill General Hedetsugu Yagi an army personnel and Jaika his wife. I do not know why I want to kill them because my memory has failed me. Killing them and accidentally discovering a microfilm in their possession I am helped by Della, a KGB agent to escape to Moscow. I soon realize that my life is in danger because of the microfilm I possess. Escaping from the KGB I go to New York and rent a house. Here I am located and shot at. The microfilm goes missing and I am admitted into a hospital where I see a Japanese woman. She appears familiar and the urge to kill her drives me to do the same. Soon after a compelling urge makes me come to India and on reaching, find my grandfather...

About the Author

Dr. Amit Abraham is associate professor and head of the postgraduate department of psychology at St. John's College, Agra. He is teaching graduate and postgraduate classes along with supervision of research work. He is actively involved in various offbeat research works related with the human psyche. He did his schooling from St. Joseph’s College, Nainital and his post graduation in psychology from the Delhi University. His Ph.D. is in the area of personality as determined and influenced by the Zodiac signs of individuals. He has been the Coordinator of the National Commission For Minority Educational Institutions, New Delhi (Under the ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi) for three consecutive terms (2006- 2008). He is also the Recipient of the 'U.P. Shikshak Saman' for the year 2006 awarded by Bright Organization For Youth, Agra.
Dr. Abraham has done extensive work on human sexuality and sexual attitudes. He...

Book Details

ISBN: 9788184651904
Publisher: Dr. Amit Abraham
Number of Pages: 275
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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