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(3 Reviews)

Darkest Dawn (eBook)

Covid-19 The Untold Stories
Type: e-book
Genre: Medicine & Science, Science & Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹400
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


2019, the world witnessed the darkest dawn , emergence of covid-19, theories of bio engineered virus deployment for planned mass killing have been floated, Vaccines develped almost overnight with allegations and counter allegations of serious after effects.

The consequences terribly affected the world economy , is it a playful sin or another natural virus outbreak? Author presented the facts and figures impartially with relevant data.

This book also deals with some non invasive yet effective traditional medicine and holistic healing techniques to combat such situations in traditional and herbal medicine, including Astrology, Holistic Healing, etc.
With 18 Color Pictures and 4 Tables

About the Author

Dr. Debasish Kundu has authored nearly 40 books on health and social topics. His books have been listed as recommended texts in several institutions, incl. International Alternative Medical Council, NGO Branch of UNO , International Elite University, USA, East West University of Holistic Health Sciences, USA also by Maharashtra State Board of Vocational Education Examination, Mumbai, vide Order Dated 02/12/2015 ( )
His works are also featured in the Catalogs of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA , Agricultural Research, Education & Extension Organization (AREEO), Government of Iran , etc.
He has also written several stories and articles in Bengali language. Which has been published in Bangladesh's famous Rohosya Patrika magazine and Sanatani Darpan newspaper , also in Sanatani Darpan 2023 Sharidiya issue. presently, he is associated with Sanatani Darpan newspaper as International Editor.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789334064346
Publisher: International Holistic Medical Society
Number of Pages: 308
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

Ratings & Reviews

Darkest Dawn

Darkest Dawn

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3 Customer Reviews

Showing 3 out of 3
Milosz Wozniak from Poland 9 months, 2 weeks ago

A bird eye view on the Plandemic!

It's quite flawless impartial reporting of the various facts and figures supported by data, which is necessary for such books. Author is somehow honest in his efforts in exposing the...

Sudeshna Biswas 9 months, 2 weeks ago

The Covid Conspiracy Factsheet

Splendid, the Thanos (Destroyer) is within the society, in healthcare industry, in elite groups , in social influencers, in governance, who have the power to resize the World population. The...

Aditya17 9 months, 2 weeks ago

The Gloomiest Era Viewed Under a Microscope

Very informative and extremely thought-provoking. The author has brought out those hidden aspects of the so-called pandemic which were cleverly kept hidden from the public eye. 'Darkest Dawn' is no...

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