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Darkest Dawn

Darkest Dawn

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Milosz Wozniak from Poland 7 months ago

A bird eye view on the Plandemic!

It's quite flawless impartial reporting of the various facts and figures supported by data, which is necessary for such books. Author is somehow honest in his efforts in exposing the 'big players' behind the Curtain.

Sudeshna Biswas 7 months ago

The Covid Conspiracy Factsheet

Splendid, the Thanos (Destroyer) is within the society, in healthcare industry, in elite groups , in social influencers, in governance, who have the power to resize the World population. The author is brave and fearless to present the data.

Aditya17 7 months ago

The Gloomiest Era Viewed Under a Microscope

Very informative and extremely thought-provoking. The author has brought out those hidden aspects of the so-called pandemic which were cleverly kept hidden from the public eye. 'Darkest Dawn' is no less than an explosion.