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The Million Dollar Formula (eBook)

Get Rich and Wealthy before 30: Wealth Secrets of The Ages: Fast Track Secrets of The Rich: The All-in-One: Small Big Book on Smart Financial Literacy
Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹70
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


The Million Dollar Formula

Best Selling Author, Dr. Kamal Murdia is not just a Global author, he is a magician who mesmerizes his readers with his magical writings.- P.K.Khurana, Author- Coach- Columnist.

"Dr. Kamal Murdia’s talent and writing skill are equivalent to all the leading world-class writers like Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, and Robin Sharma, etc. He is an ace cosmetic surgeon, Speaker too." - Rajib Dutta, Author

It is fun to do the impossible- Walt Disney

Someone asked Jeff Bezos..of Amazon. What will change in 10 years?.. Jeff...better ask me what will not change in 10 years. Low price../ free Good service spirit of service Honesty...
Basics...Classics ..
are Timeless..Priceless.

This book has all the money formulas and keys to the citadel of those millions.

Self-made millionaires make money in style and character, The mental blueprint is a compass, that decides your worth. It's not what you say to the world..but to yourself, that designs your world.

Just be at it, like the tortoise. One step at a time. First, be you. Wholesome and collected. Then add money. It is not difficult to learn about money and get financial literacy. Life has advanced so much, and become so complex, that even the most ordinary person requires a substantial amount of wealth in order to survive. The best thing money can buy is financial freedom.

“I know at last what distinguishes man and animals is financial worries.”- Romain Rolland

The millionaires as I mean are not those who are made up of money. I am not glorifying flamboyant, obnoxious prosperity. The class of people I refer to are those who in chase of gold became diamonds.

An empty pocket teaches a lot of things in life. The wealth champions made it happen. Those who make money, do not make excuses. Country after country, story after story will tell you that in spite of all the excuses one can give, there is a success story that made it big. They dared to think big. Today they are role models. They build nations and humanity. They give employment and bring bread to many homes. Over 40 percent of the taxes in a country, are paid by these millionaires. Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time.

what you are searching for, soon by the law of attraction, starts searching you. So, think big and why not make it ten times more. The effort needed is the same.

In life, only extremes make a memorable impact. The opposite of courage is not cowardice - it is conformity. Those who always follow the crowd, one day may get lost in the sea of this crowd. History is created by those who give a damn..

There is one great lie..It are limited..You are Too Big..For small dreams. Don't give up..Something amazing is about to happen. Don't put a ceiling on yourself. Stop thinking you need a miracle, Realize you too are a miracle..Your path seems difficult, It's likely your calling is higher..Dream big.

To enter into a 'no entry zone' too is fun.
.Yes- The Million Dollar Formulas worked for me.
Yes, they will work for you too....

Dr. Kamal Murdia

Plastic Surgeon,
Speaker and Author

About the Author

About Dr. Kamal Murdia
Author of 6 Best Selling Books

Dr. Kamal Murdia, MBBS,M.S;M.Ch.(Plastic Surgery) CS(UK),
Director, Changing Faces: Changing lives; is a Plastic - Cosmetic Surgeon.
He is also a celebrated international speaker, writer, and author.
Amazon no #1 Best Selling Author. A World-Class book.
The Million Dollar Powerful Personality: By Dr. Kamal Murdia
is Rated and Reviewed as 'The First 360 degree Book on Personality'.
by a Cosmetic Surgeon in the world today.

The Strange Case of The Billion Dollar Tortoise
by Dr. Kamal Murdia is a Best Selling Classic Non-Fiction Thriller. For more:


Book Details

ISBN: 9798201740672
Publisher: Dr. Kamal Murdia
Number of Pages: 72
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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