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Cancer - Cause and Cure (eBook)

Based on Quantum Physics developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig
Type: e-book
Genre: Medicine & Science
Language: English
Price: ₹999
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<strong>***** A must have book for every cancer patient *****</strong>
This book provides both an introduction of Dr. Budwig's cancer research and treatment. Johanna Budwig (1908-2003) was one of Germany's leading scientists of the 20th Century, a biochemist and Cancer specialist with a special interest in essential fats. <strong> She developed Treatment Protocol for Cancer which gave documented 90% success.</strong>
Otto Warburg proved that prime cause of cancer oxygen-deficiency in the cells. In absence of oxygen cells ferment glucose to produce energy, lactic acid is formed as a byproduct of fermentation. He postulated that sulfur containing protein and some unknown fat is required to attract oxygen in the cell.

In 1951 Dr. Budwig developed Paper Chromatography to identify fats. With this technique she proved that electron rich highly unsaturated Linoleic and Linolenic fatty acids were the undiscovered mysterious decisive fats in respiratory enzyme function that Otto Warburg had been unable to find. She studied the electromagnetic function of pi-electrons of the linolenic acid in the membranes of the microstructure of protoplasm, for all nerve function, secretions, mitosis, as well as cell break-down. This immediately caused lot of excitement in the scientific community. New doors could open in Cancer research. Hydrogenated fats, including all Trans fatty acids were proved as respiratory poisons.

Then Budwig decided to have human trials and gave flaxseed oil and quark to cancer patients. After three months, the patients began to improve in health and strength, the yellow green substance in their blood began to disappear, tumors gradually receded and at the same time the nutrients began to rise. This way Dr. Budwig had found a cure for cancer. It was a great victory and first milestone in the battle against cancer. Her treatment protocol is based on the consumption of flax seed oil with low fat cottage cheese, raw organic diet, mild exercise, and the healing powers of the sun. She treated approx. 2500 cancer patients during a 50 year period with this protocol till her death with over 90% documented success.
<strong>She was nominated 7 times for Nobel Prize</strong> but with a condition that she will use chemotherapy and radiotherapy with her protocol. They did not want to collapse the 200 billion business over night. She always refused to support the damaging chemo and radio for the sake of humanity.
<strong>Lothar Hirneise - Great supporter of Budwig Protoco</strong>l
Lothar Hirneise is founder and President of People Against Cancer, Germany. He travels a lot in search of finding most successful alternative cancer therapies. He has been student of Dr. Johanna Budwig. He is a great researcher and writer on alternative healing. He is successfully treating thousands of cancer patients at his 3-E center in Germany. In the last few years he has interviewed several hundred final stage so-called survivors, meaning patients who were in the final stage of cancer and who are all healthy again today. Based on his findings he proposed a <strong>3 E Program – The Mnemonic of Cancer</strong> Treatment.
1) Eat well
2) Eliminate
3) Energy
He noticed that 100% of all survivors, did the energy work. In approximately - say 80% of all patients, He found a change in diet. And in at least 60% of all patients, took intensive detoxification rituals. This is the basis of his, so much talked about 3E Program for healing cancer.
Lothar Hirneise strongly supports holistic and spiritual approach and includes Visualization, Tumor Contract, Meditation, mild Yoga, Emotional Freesom Technique EFT, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s New German Medicine (Connection of unresolved stress and cancer), Detoxification techniques (Soda Bicarb bath, Epsom bath, Sauna, Colon Hydrotherapy, Coffee Enema etc.)in his so much talked about 3 E Program.
The book also, describes about rare and miraculous herbs used in the treatment of Cancer like Turmeric, Black seed, Ginger, Mistle Toe, Aloe vera, , Echinecea, Lobelia, Essiac Tea, Pau d’arco Tea, Dandelion, Milk Thistle.

<strong>शांति की आरोग्य यात्रा – आह से अहा तक (3 महीने में बदला जीवन)</strong>

इस महिला का नाम शांति उम्र 40 वर्ष है। यह डूँगरगंढ, बीकानेर के पास किसी गांव की रहने वाली है। डेढ़ साल पहले इसकी बच्चेदानी में लियोमायोसारकोमा नाम का कैंसर हुआ। बीकानेर के एक अच्छे अस्पताल में इसका आपरेशन और कीमोथैरपी कर दी गई। 6 महिने तक सब कुछ ठीक ठाक रहा, लेकिन उसके बाद स्थिती बिगडने लगी। उसकी कमर में बांई तरफ एक बहुत बड़ा मेटास्टेटिक ट्यूमर हो गया, जिसमें बहुत दर्द रहने लगा, खून की कमी हो गई और हिमोग्लोबिन 6 से नीचे आ गया। कमजोरी, उबकाई, अनिद्रा तथा कई परेशानियां होने लगी। भूख भी नही लगती थी। एलोपैथी से कोई फायदा नही हो रहा था, इसलिए उनकी दवाइयां बंद कर दी गई। कुछ महिने इधर-उधर भटकने के बाद, किसी ने उसे सही राह दिखाई। और तीन महीने पहले वह मुझसे परामर्श लेने आई। वह बहुत कमजोर, सुस्त और निढ़ाल हो चुकी थी, चेहरा पीला पड़ चुका था। वह कुछ बोल भी नहीं पा रही थी, हिमोग्लोबिन 7 ग्राम के आस पास रहा होगा। बांईं तरफ कमर की गांठ में असहनीय दर्द और वेदना थी।
यह पूरा परिवार अशिक्षित था और और ग्रामीण इलाके के एक खेत में रहता था। ये हिंदी भाषा भी नहीं बोल पाते थे। इन्हें बुडविग प्रोटोकोल की पूरी ट्रेनिंग देना हमें बड़ा कठिन काम लग रहा था। फिर भी हमने दिन भर इन्हें बुडविग प्रोटोकोल की ट्रेनिंग दी। मुझे तो लग ही नहीं रहा था कि यह मरीज चार दिन भी बुडविग प्रोटोकोल ले पाएगी। लेकिन डेढ़ महीने बाद उसके भाई का अचानक फोन आया, मुझसे कुछ सवाल पूछे और कहा कि शांति की हालत धीरे धीरे सुधर रही है। यह सब सुनने के बाद भी मुझे कोई खास उम्मीद नहीं थी।
लेकिन जब 25 नवम्बर 2014 को शांति ने मेरे कमरे में कदम रखा तो मैं इसे देखकर स्तभ रह गया। मुझे विशवास नहीं हो पा रहा था कि क्या यह वही महिला है जो तीन महिने पहले मुझे दिखाने आई थी। वह बार-बार मुझसे अपना भाषा मे कुछ कहने व पूछने की कोशिश कर रही थी। वह खुश व प्रसन्न दिखाई दे रही थी। उसका चेहरा चमक उठा था। चेहरे के दाग धब्बे दूर हो चुके थे। चेहरे की लाली और चिकनापन देखते बनता था। उसकी रग-रग से ओमेगा-3 के अणु और ऊर्जावान इलेक्ट्रोन्स टपक रहे थे। उसकी उल्टियां बंद हो चुकी थी, भूख खुल गई थी, दर्द में भी आराम था। उसका हिमोग्लोबिन बढ़ कर 11.5 ग्राम हो चुका था। उसकी बड़ी सारी गांठ 84x78 से कम होकर 46x34 मि.मी. हो चुकी है। उसके लीवर का आकार सामान्य हो गया है। किडनी का स्टोन निकल चुका है। ये सारा चमत्कार बुडबिग प्रोटोकोल का है। अलसी का तेल अपना असर दिखा चुका है। संलग्न रिपोर्ट्स और तस्वीरें सारी कहानी बयां कर रही है। उसकी दोनों तस्वीरों में रात दिन का फर्क है। आज हमारा आत्म विश्वास शिखर को छू रहा है। शांति की आरोग्य यात्रा की खबरें जर्मनी तक पहुँची हैं। सभी दोस्त हमें बधाई दे रहे हैं। फेसबुक पर लाइक्स और कमेंट्स का अंबार लगा है। जर्मनी से विजुवलाइजेशन गुरू क्लॉस पर्टल ने भी बधाई का मेल भेजा है। ये हमारे लिए फक्र की बात है।
हम ऐसा समझते थे कि बुडविग उपचार लेने वाले मरीज को कुछ तो पढ़ा लिखा और समझदार होना जरूरी है। लेकिन शांति ने हमारी इस भ्रांति का हमेशा के लिए चकनाचूर करके रख दिया तोड़ कर रख दिया। जुग जुग जियो शांति...

About the Authors

<strong> Biography of Dr. O.P.Verma</strong>
<strong> Introduction</strong>
Dr. O.P.Verma S/O P.L.Verma
Date of Birth - October 10, 1950
280-A, Talwandi, Kota Raj.
Mobile No# 9460816360
<strong> Education and Awards</strong>
Secondary School Examination 1966 Multi Purpose Higher Secondary School, Kota Distinction 6th rank in Board of Rajasthan
Higher Secondary School Examination 1967 Distinction and 2nd rank in Board of Rajasthan
MBBS - RNT Medical College, Udaipur 1973 First Division
Misc. Awards in Drawing and Painting, Photography, Writing, Poetry etc.
Medical Officer in PHC Atru - Awarded for Best Family Planning Program in 1976
MRSH Fellowship Oxford University 1984
President Scout Award 1969
Award and Lectureship in one year Good Governance Program 2005
<strong> Jobs</strong>
Medical Officer in Govt of Rajasthan 1975 to 1998 and ESI Hospital 1999 to 2010
Worked in Libya and other countries for 12 years. Visited Europe, Malta, Pakistan, Dubai, Egypt and Kuwait
Vaibhav Hospital & Diagnostic Institute
Budwig Cancer Care - Treatment of Cancer Patients
<strong> Social Activities</strong>
Writing Health articles in Hindi and English for all leading Magazines
Publication of Books - अलसी महिमा, दैविक रसायन - अलसी - रोग अनेक उपचार एक, अलसी दर्पण, बुडविग प्रोटोकोल, ओम वाणी, Cancer - Cause and Cure, Awesome Flax - A Book by Flax Guru
<strong> Flax Awareness Society</strong>
This Organization was formed in 2009. Dr. O.P.Verma is President of Society. He is famous worldwide as Flax Guru. He is one man show and spread the awareness of Flaxseed in whole India. Main Objects are
Awareness of Flaxseed
Promotion of Budwig Protocol for Cancer Patient
Health Awareness
Promotion of Good Fats
Publication of Booklets and Books including Alsi Mahima and others.
Workshops, Seminars, TV Programs, Radio Programs, Free Camps, Press Conferences
Two Flax Awareness Journeys in 2010 and 2011 in different cities of M.P. and Rajasthan Total 7000 Km.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 113
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

Ratings & Reviews

Cancer - Cause and Cure

Cancer - Cause and Cure

(5.00 out of 5)

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1 Customer Review

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Dr_jonathan 9 years, 10 months ago

No# 1 book for every cancer patient

Dr. O. P. Verma's book is highly recommended to every cancer patient.
The book is a very thorough and easy readable introduction to <strong> Dr. Johanna Budwig's method</strong> . The language is formed by his clinical experience and his contact with Mr. Lothar Herneise, who was educated by Dr. Johanna Budwig.

Dr. O. P. Verma has found a balance between explanations and transparency.
3E-Program developed by Lothar Herneise is
<strong> Eat well (Raw Organic Diet)</strong>
<strong> Eliminate toxins (Detoxification)</strong>
<strong> Energy (Balance the flow of life force)</strong>

The book contains: Eldi oil, Coffee Enema, Epsom bath, Sun Therapy, Energy Healing, Budwig-Compatible Natural Alternatives to Pain Medication, Remedy for Bone pain. The book gives a lot of supplemental possibilities to fortify the diet and bring it into a modern perspective. Several methods to strengthen the spirit, as emotional problems must be overcome. Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's astonishing discovery of a emotional trauma - brain – cancer connection is nicely explained.
A dozen herbs are highlighted and their positive impact described. The chapter about Ligians gives flax seeds a unique position. Ligian health benefits extend beyond hormone-dependent breast cancer, osteoporosis, and prostate cancer to include brain function, cardiovascular disease, immune function, inflammation and reproduction. The chapters about omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids and corresponding Series 1, 2, 3 prostaglandins contain vital information also expressed with unusual clarity.

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