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Secrets of Success (eBook)

Smart way to success for every student
Type: e-book
Genre: Education & Language
Language: English
Price: ₹399
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<strong>Secrets of Success</strong>
Normally people think that memory, intelligence or learning ability is a God gift and it is not possible to further improve or increase the brain powers. We take it for granted that it will remain as it is gifted to us by God. But the truth is just opposite. Understand that as you go to gym for workout to develop your six pack abs, feed your body with muscle building food and get sharp sculpted body shape. Friends, believe me if muscle can be built and remodeled, then why not your brain’s hardware and circuit boards. If you feed your brain with proper food it needs, follow simple instructions and take advantage of neurobics or mnemonics, you can immensely increase your brain's abilities.

We have tremendous powers locked inside our brains, but we are not using them to full extent. Dr. William James, considered the father of...

About the Author

Biography of Dr. O.P.Verma
Dr. O.P.Verma S/O P.L.Verma
Date of Birth - October 10, 1950
280-A, Talwandi, Kota Raj.
Mobile No# 9460816360
Education and Awards
Secondary School Examination 1966 Multi Purpose Higher Secondary School, Kota Distinction 6th rank in Board of Rajasthan
Higher Secondary School Examination 1967 Distinction and 2nd rank in Board of Rajasthan
MBBS - RNT Medical College, Udaipur 1973 First Division
Misc. Awards in Drawing and Painting, Photography, Writing, Poetry etc.
Medical Officer in PHC Atru - Awarded for Best Family Planning Program in 1976
MRSH Fellowship Oxford University 1984
President Scout Award 1969
Award and Lectureship in one year Good Governance Program 2005
Medical Officer in Govt of Rajasthan 1975 to 1998 and ESI Hospital 1999 to 2010
Worked in Libya and other countries for 12 years. Visited Europe, Malta, Pakistan, Dubai, Egypt and Kuwait
Vaibhav Hospital & Diagnostic Institute
Budwig Cancer Care - Treatment of Cancer Patients
Social Activities
Writing Health articles in Hindi and English for all leading Magazines
Publication of Books -...

Book Details

Number of Pages: 45
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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